Priapic Cube

I gave a lot of thought to tar and asphalt when I lived in downtown Los Angeles. I did several experiments using it as an art material, which culminated in the minimalist installation, the Priapic Cube.

Instead of the hopeful yellow brick road from the Wizard of Oz, this path of kiln bricks emerges from the wall like a felled priapic and ends in the interior of a shimmering glass cube. The barren, black interior with asphalt dripping from walls and ceiling absorbs the light of a single, bare bulb. On the outside, however, its seductive sheen reflects the yellow bricks and is activated by the reflection of viewers as they examine the soft luster of its hard, smooth surface.

Plate glass, asphalt, rich soil, electric light bulb and yellow bricks
8’ x 8’ x 8’